Michael Schimmelpfennig (University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)

Chuci Bibliography   楚辭圖書目錄

Michael Schimmelpfennig’s research on the Songs of Chu






Qu Yuan’s Transformation from Realized Man to True Poet: The Han-Dynasty Commentary of Wang Yi to the “Lisao” and the Songs of Chu (Qu Yuans Weg vom "wahren Menschen" zum wirklichen Dichter: Der Han-zeitliche Kommentar von Wang Yi zum "Lisao" und den Liedern von Chu) in German with an extensive English Summary and Results, Ann Arbor: University Microfilms (2000). (UMI number: 3169230)


“Huichao de jiqiao – geng xin de jiqiao – Wang Yi yu bei rending yi shichuan de Liu An de ‚Lisao chuan’ 回潮的技巧-更新的技巧 - 王逸与被认定已失传的刘安的〈离骚传〉“, in: Zhongguo xueshu 中國學術 25:133-157 (2009).

Bai Ma 白馬 (M Schimmelpfennig). "Bu tong de pingzhu, bu tong de pingzhuzhe?-Yi 'Chuci zhangju' de duoyanghua pingzhu wei jichu shitan benshu de chengshu guocheng. 不同的評註,不同的評註者?——以《楚辭章句》的多樣化評註為基礎試探本書的成書過程" (Different Commentaries, Different Editors? The Editorial History of the Chuci zhangju Edition Examined Through the Various Commentaries Contained Therein), in Zhongguo Chucixue, Bd. 12 中國楚辭學,第十二集 Qu Yuan xuehui (ed.), Beijing: Xueyuan Chubanshe (2009).

"Poetische Anomalie oder schöpferischer Beitrag? Die Einschätzung der 'Lieder von Chu' (Chuci 楚辭) von der Han- bis zur Song-Zeit gemäß den “Vorworten” zur Anthologie," Horin 12, 2006. (im Druck) (Poetical Anomaly or Creative Contribution? The Estimation of the 'Songs of Chu' According to the Prefaces from Han- to Song-Times)

"Chongjian Wang Yi 'Chuci zhangju' de lizudian - Zai lun jin yi shichuan de Liu An 'Lisao chuan' 重建王逸《楚辞章句》的立足点——再论今已失传的刘安《离骚传》 (Reconstructing the basis of Wang Yi's Chuci exegesis: The lost Treatise on the Lisao by Liu An)," in Zhongguo Chucixue 中國楚辭學, 第九集, Zhongguo Qu Yuan xuehui bian 中國屈原學會編, Beijing: Xueyuan Chubanshe (2005).

“The Quest for the Classic: Wang Yi and the Exegetical Prehistory of his Commentary to the Lisao,” in Early China 29:109-160 (2004).

“Two Ages, one Agenda? Zhu Xi’s Rules of Interpretation Versus Wang Yi’s Exegesis of the Songs of Chu (Chuci)” - in Interpretation and Intellectual Change, Tu Ching-I (ed.) New Brunswick: Transaction Publishers (2004).

“Die verborgene Kommentierung: Die Ausführungen zum Lisao (Lisao zhuan) als Grundlage der Auslegung des Lisao durch Wang Yi,” in Oriens Extremus 42 (2000/2001). (The Hidden commentary: The “Treatise on the Lisao” (Lisao zhuan) as the basis for Wang Yi’s Reading of the poem)

“ ‘Die Schamanin in ihrer typisch südchinesischen Gestalt’: Zur Rezeption der ‘Neun Gesänge’ aus den ‘Liedern von Chu’ ,” Holger Preissler u. H. Stein (Hg.). Annäherung an das Fremde. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1998. (‘The shamaness in her typical Southern Chinese form’ - On the reception of the ‘Nine Songs’ from the Songs of Chu)

In Preparation:

"'Chuci' fanyi shishang fanshi zhuanhuan de dongyin: Zhishi de jiaoliu haishi chongli de hudong '楚辞'翻译史上范式转换的动因:知识的交流还是冲力的互动" (Reasons for Paradigmatic Changes in the History of Translation of the Songs of Chu (Chuci): Exchanges of Knowledge or Interplay of Impulses?)

"Das Andere im Eigenen: China, das Land Chu und sein berühmtester Dichter", forthcoming in Stephan Köhn, Michael Lackner, Michael Schimmelpfennig (eds.): China, Japan und das Andere: Ostasiatische Identitäten im Zeitalter des Transkulturellen (The foreign within what's common: China, the Land of Chu and its most famous poet), to be published 2010.

(From Realized Man to True Poet: Qu Yuan and the Han-dynasty commentary of Wang Yi to the Lisao and the Songs of Chu) Second publication of a completely revised version of my dissertation.

"Patriot-Poet or Pop-Icon? Contemporary Novels, Websites and TV-Series about Qu Yuan," in preparation.

“Bedingungslose Aufrichtigkeit als letztes Mittel zur Reetablierung herrschaftlicher Ordnung: Ein chinesisches Beispiel für den Appell zur Autonomie von Regierungsbeamten aus der Zeit der östlichen Han-Dynastie (25-220 u.Z.),” planned to be published in Saeculum (Unconditional openness as the last means to reestablish imperial order: A Chinese example of a call for autonomy of government officials during the Eastern Han dynasty (25-220 A.D))


“Der Kommentar von Wang Yi zum Zhaohun," unrevised master thesis (manuscript of 230 S.) (Wang Yi’s Commentary to 'Calling Back the Soul' (Zhao hun))


"Das Andere im Eigenen: Chinas Umgang mit seinem berühmtesten Dichter", Ringvorlesung "China, Japan und das Andere - Ostasiatische Identitäten im Zeitalter des Transkulturellen", SoSe 2009, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg.

" 不同的评注,不同的评注者?——以《楚辞章句》的多样化评注为基础试探本书的成书过程 Different Commentaries, Different Editors? The Editorial History of the Chuci zhangju Edition Examined Through the Various Commentaries Contained Therein", 楚辞国际学术研讨会暨屈原学会第十一届年会 The 11th Annual Conference of the Qu Yuan Study Society and the International Academic Symposium on Studies of the Songs of Chu, 18-21 Juli 2005, Baotou (Inner Mongolia).

"Der Wandel im Umgang mit der Figur Qu Yuans und seiner Legende in der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart Chinas" (Transformations of the Figure of Qu Yuan and his Legend in China`s Past and Present) - China Forum 2005: "China zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft", Seminar für Orientalische Sprachen Bonn, Arbeitsbereich Chinesisch, June 22, Bonn 2005.

" 重建王逸《楚辞章句》的立足点∶再论今已失传的刘安《离骚传》 Reconstructing the basis of Wang Yi's Chuci exegesis: The lost Treatise on the Lisao by Liu An" - 楚辞国际学术研讨会暨屈原学会第十届年会 The 10th Annual Conference of the Qu Yuan Study Society and the International Academic Symposium on Studies of the Songs of Chu, 16-19 October 2004, Chengdu (Sichuan Province).

" '楚辞' 翻译史上范式转换的动因:知识的交流还是冲力的互动 (Reasons for Paradigmatic Changes in the History of Translation of the 'Songs of Chu' (Chuci): Exchanges of Knowledge or Interplay of Impulses?)" - 23.08.2003 Institut for the History of Natural Sciences, Academy of Social Sciences, Beijing.

" '楚辞' 翻译史上范式转换的动因:知识的交流还是冲力的互动 (Reasons for Paradigmatic Changes in the History of Translation of the 'Songs of Chu' (Chuci): Exchanges of Knowledge or Interplay of Impulses?)" - 9.09.2003 Institute of Chinese Literature, Fudan University, Shanghai.

“Reasons for Paradigmatic Changes in the History of Translation of the Songs of Chu (Chuci): Exchanges of Knowledge or Interplay of Impulses?,” - 16 June 2003, Montagskolloquium des Internationalen Qualitätsnetzwerkes, Universität Erlangen.

“Die Vorworte zu den Liedern von Chu zwischen der Han- und der Song-Zeit Chinas,” Geleitworte zu Ostasiatischen Lyriksammlungen, Symposium im EKO-Haus der japanischen Kultur, 2-5 April 2003, Düsseldorf. (Prefaces to the Songs of Chu from the Han- to the Song dynasty)

“北方的诗歌与南方的楚辞∶关于朱熹对楚辞的注释方法及其目的的一些见解”Northern Songs and Southern Poems: The Exegetical Approach of Zhu Xi to the Songs of Chu and its Agenda — 第二届宋代文学国际学术研讨会 The Second International Symposium on Song-Dynasty Literature, 16-19 August, Nanjing (Jiangsu Province).

“The Event of Poetic Boredom or the Skill of Repetition: Liu Xiang’s ‘Jiu tan’ ” - International Symposium Measuring Historical Heat: Event, Performance and Impact in China and the West, Heidelberg, 11/2001.

“Two Ages, one Agenda? Zhu Xi’s Rules of Interpretation Versus Wang Yi’s Exegesis of the Songs of Chu (Chuci)” - International Conference on the History of Chinese Hermeneutics “Interpretation and Intellectual Change”, Rutgers University (New Brunswick NJ), 10/2001.

“Renovating the Canon: Wang Yi’s Reinstatement of the True Poet Qu Yuan” - International Convention of Asian Scholars ICAS, Berlin, 8/2001.

“Der ‘wahre Dichter ‘ als Vorbild für Minister? Zur Rezeption Qu Yuans in der Han-Zeit” - Sinologische Gesellschaft, Universität Hamburg 11/2000. (The ‘true poet’ as a ministers model? On the reception of Qu Yuan in the Han-dynasty)

“Tracing the Sections and Sentence Commentaries (zhangju) of the Han Dynasty - preliminary remarks ” - European Association of Chinese Studies Conference EACS, Turino, 9/2000.

“Intended, repaired or refurbished? Wang Yi’s commentary to the ‘Lament for Ying’ (Ai Ying)” - Chiang Ch’ing-kuo workshop on Text & Commentary in Imperial China, Heidelberg, 6/2000.

“From Realized Man to True Poet: Qu Yuan’s Transformation within Han-Dynasty Exegesis of the Lisao” - Harvard University, Cambridge (Mass.) (3/2000).

“From Realized Man to True Poet: Qu Yuan’s Transformation within Han-Dynasty Exegesis of the Lisao” - Columbia University, New York, 3/2000.

“Renovating the Canon: Wang Yi’s Reinstatement of the True Poet Qu Yuan” - Association of Asian Studies Conference AAS, San Diego, 3/2000.

“Unconsciousness Unknown: Origin, Development and Decline of the Practice of ‘Calling back the Soul’ ” - European Association of Chinese Studies Conference EACS, Edinburgh, 9/1998.

“Die Einführung zum ‘Lisao’ als Schlüssel zu seiner Interpretation” - Jahrestreffen der Vereinigung junger Chinawissenschaftler, München, 2/1998. (Wang Yi’s introduction to the ‘Lisao’ as a key to the poems interpretation)

“Die Lesarten des ‘Li sao’ vor Wang Yi” - Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs “Religion und Normativität”, Heidelberg, 6/1997. (The readings of the ‘Lisao’ prior to Wang Yi)

“One Editor, one Commentator? Exegetic Strata in the Songs of Chu (Chuci)” - European Association of Chinese Studies Conference EACS, Barcelona, 9/1996.

“Erschütterte Tradition? Kommentarielle Vielfalt statt einheitlicher Kommentierung am Beispiel des ‘Trauern um [die Hauptstadt] Ying’ aus den Liedern von Chu” - Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs “Religion und Normativität”, Heidelberg, 7/1996. (A shaken tradition? Exegetic diversity instead of a unified exegesis in the “Lament for [the capital] Ying” from the Songs of Chu)

“Einige Characteristika der Kommentare in den Chuci zhangju, den Liedern von Chu mit dem vermeindlichen Kommentar von Wang Yi” - Jahrestreffen der Vereinigung junger Chinawissenschaftler, Münster 2/1996 (Some characteristics of the commentaries contained in the Chuci zhangju, the Songs of Chu supposed to be completely furnished with the commentary by Wang Yi)

“ ‘Die Schamanin in ihrer typisch südchinesischen Gestalt’ - Zur Rezeption der Neun Gesänge aus den Liedern von Chu” - Deutscher Orientalistentag DOT, Leipzig, 9/1995. (‘The shamaness in her typical Southern Chinese form’ - On the reception of the Nine Songs from the Songs of Chu)

“Reading the Text Twice: Wang Yi's Analysis of the ‘Ode to the Orange Tree’ ” - European Association of Chinese Studies Conference EACS, Prague, 9/1994.

“Aufwertung oder Demontage: Der Subkommentar von Hong Xingzu (1090-1155) zur ‘Ode auf den Orangenbaum’ und die Folgen” - Workshop des Graduiertenkollegs “Religion und Normativität”, Heidelberg, 7/1994. (Revalorization or dismantling: The sub-commentary of Hong Xingzu (1090-1155) to the ‘Ode to the Orange tree’ and its consequences)

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